Omelette Roulette is a safe and hilarious version of Russian Roulette using eggs!
A large solid wood spinning disc with velcro attachments
Six glass chambers with velcro attachments
10 large paper/plastic/polystyrene cups (4 spares)
Comes with detailed instructions and Gospel presentation routine. Does not include eggs!
Gospel Application:
This trick can be used to talk about the choices that we make, some of them are unimportant yet others are much more important. In the Bible, Jesus tells us to follow him. That presents us with a very important choice about the consequences of following Jesus and putting him first in our lives. You could also use the trick to talk about chance and probability. What about us? Are we the result of evolutionary chance, or are we 100% planned?
Steve Price's Omelette Roulette is available exclusively from One Way UK.