This CD offers ten familiar Bible verses, in fun musical styles perfect for puppet songs or sing-alongs! It's a fun way to get the scripture into kids and kids into scripture. Mark Bradford, popular lyricist, has cleverly arranged music and Bible verses together to fit music from soul, rockabilly, 50's rock n' roll and more.
The variety of musical styles allows your puppet team to combine costuming and choreography for fun and memorable presentations. The ten scripture songs can be used in children's gathering at church or with puppets anywhere, anytime.
I Am the Resurrection (John 11:25) Punk
The Way, The Truth, The Life (John 14:6) British Invasion
Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) Disco
If We Confess our Sins (1 John 1:8-9) Rockabilly
Come to Me (Matthew 11:28-29) Soul
I am Crucified with Christ (Galatians 2:20) Reggae
I am Convinced (Romans 8:35,37-38) Alternative
Be Strong and Courageous (Joshua1:5-9) Heavy Metal
Finally Brothers (Philippians 4:8) 50's Rock & Roll
The Lord is My Shepherd (Psalm 23) Classic Rock
Album Demo
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